by Adam Moorad
A stuffed llama full of twenty-five poems of candied snark, failed romance, successful uncertainty, and a dabble in quantum theory with breathy titles, clumsy wreckages, and steamy results. Funny, charming, thought-provoking, fresh, uncertainly certain.
Obligatory Abe
by CEE
Our special Presidents Day release contains thirty-one poems and thirty-three vintage postcards celebrating, debunking, or telling of the life, death, myths, and human qualities of Abraham Lincoln from the viewpoint of an Illinoisan. Touching, controversial, obsessive, and poignant.
Frequently Asked Questions
by Howie Good
Forty-nine prose poems by the master of imagery. Heavy detail without giving you too many concrete images, without telling you too much, simply leaving you to picture fragments of moments as if they were your own memories. Touching, punchy, specific, beautiful. Clipped sparks of a grand flame to create an even grander fire.
Foody's Drinkie Market
by CEE
If the bullet breakfast cereal on the cover is not a warning to watch what you eat, then indeed, the poems are. Thirty-one poems and nine photographs of close encounters of the food kind, for you to ingest with utter delight. Funny, quirky, savory, witty, experimental.
The Wonder of It All
by Elizabeth P. Glixman
Life and love and all things in between; the quirky and the unthinkable; talking dogs and poisoned tuna and kidnapping babies and Nancy Pelosi's refrigerator; a journey through an eclectic Wonderland that would even make Alice curiouser and curiouser. Thirty-two poems written by a poet whose work describes our present zany and mad world.
Incessant Shining
By Kevin M. Hibshman
Twenty-two poems celebrating love, nature, incredible times in a sordid past, and an understanding of a spiritual world that so few ever touch. Hibshman's work is honest, bare, essential, and kind in a time when shock value is valued too grossly. Read these words by lamplight with a cup of hot tea or sprawled in a wildflower field without worldly cares.
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