Julian Gallo's new poetry chapbook now available from Propaganda Press. It's a journey of finding one's self, jumping the hurdles and learning the path; the setting is left mostly to the reader's imagination, while the descriptions delight and intrigue. Poems about love, dissecting ethnic backgrounds and cultures passed down through the centuries; trying to come up with ideas and inspiration for writing and life, even through the rains and the mundane mendacity of everyday living; an anatomizing of the self, the assertion, the dichotomy of being, developing the ability to know your own next move, to put the puzzle together, even if it reveals nothing. The words are searching, questioning, sometimes answering (but only subtly), and introspective - revealing the small bits of madness that make us who we are and make the author pen these words. Copies can now be purchased online; or through the mail for $5 (plus $2 US shipping; $3 out-of-US shipping) via cash, check, or money order made out to Alternating Current, PO Box 398058, Cambridge MA 02139 USA; or via PayPal with the email address alt.current@gmail.com. All authors on our press receive royalties for each copy sold, and each purchase comes with a free random book from the archives while we clean house.
This book includes:
Poems by Julian Gallo:
Clubfoot Tango
Afternoon Delight
Today The Rains Came
Blood and Sand
Rules Of The Game
Mediterranean Homesick Blues
A Symphony Of Olives
Somewhere Between Golgotha and The Slaughterhouse
Java Cabana
By Way Of The Trinacria
Symbiotic Yet Counterclockwise
Fallible Gods
The Divine Bursts Out Laughing
A Cemetery Beneath The Moon
Silence Over A Bridge
please send all responses to alt.current@gmail.com